Friday, February 11, 2011

Illegalized baby names of 2010

I know illegalized isn't a legitimate word, but whatever. My friend made it up.

So anyway, I was on Yahoo and I saw the weirdest illegalized names of 2010. This is the list:

1. Talula does the Hula
(New Zealand) Who would name their kid THAT??? I mean, isn't Talula enough???

2. Venerdi (AKA Friday)
(Italy) According to the article, they threatened to name their next kid Wednesday. (: D)

3. Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116
(Sweden) Who would do that to their kid???!???!!?!!? I mean, COME ON!!!! Apparently it's pronounced 'Albin'. Psshh. What the heck.
Imagine learning to write your name.

Normal kindergarten kid:
This kid:

Or if the class did something like:
Teacher: "How many letters are in your name, Sam?"
Sam: "Three!!!" :)
Teacher: "Awesome!!! And how many letters are in YOUR name, Albin?"
(Let's call him 'Albin') Albin: "Uh... (One, two, three, four, seven, nineteen, zero, 104, eleven, two) Um, two? Wait no... I can't do it... I can't count higher than four..."
Teacher: "Um... Okay then... There's 43, by the way. So, how many vowels are in your name, Sam?"
Sam: "ONE!!! YAY!!!!" *kindergarten cuteness*
Teacher: "Oh, yay!!! So how many vowels in your name, Albin?"
Albin: "I... I, uh... None?"
Teacher: "WHAT??? You can't have NO VOWELS in your name!!! That's impossible!!!!"
Albin: "But I..."
Teacher: But you NOTHING!!! Go sit in the corner!!!"
Albin: *mumbling* "It's just my name..."

Look how much trouble having a name like 'Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116' would have caused for this kid!!!

4. Gesher (AKA 'Bridge')
(Norway) Apparently the mother already had 14 kids (OMG!!!!) so she probably ran out of names.

5. Chow Tow (AKA 'Smelly Head')
(Malaysia) I don't know why, but this name reminds me of 'chew toy'. Actually, I'm pretty sure I do know why but I just said that because... Because I did.

6. @
(China) According to the parents, the 'at' symbol looks like the Cantonese letter for 'love' or hugs' or something.

7. Miatt
(Germany) The name-judges (or whatever they are) thought that it didn't obviously show whether the kid was a girl or a boy.

8. Anus
(Denmark) Ha ha!!!! OMG, I wonder if they knew. Maybe they don't speak English... Or thought he/she/it/Anus/ looked like one. (: P)

9. Ovnis
(Portugal) No comment. Actually, I really don't remember what they said it meant. Or anything about it. Oh well.

10. Akuna (AKA 'Devil')
(Japan) It's like:
"Hey Devil!!!!"
"Why did your parents call you 'Devil'? Is it because you're STUPID???"

Oh, well. I would never want a name like any of those, but some of them are kinda funny (ha ha Anus hee hee...)

Monday, February 7, 2011


Okay, so I was searching things on because I had seen this thing on The Bloggess that said that when she searched 'hemoragging' (yes, we know, wrong spelling) then this came up:

I mean, really??? Marijuana??? Seriously.
And hurricane, too.  I wonder who these people think they are.
(Oh, and the pink writing and arrow is what she put, not the computer... Why would someone put that on their website??? That's idiotic.)

So anyway, I was searching random things on my laptop, just typing random keyboard things, and I happened to search 'wert' (is it even a word?). This is what came up.

Yup. Space shuttles really are related to 'werts' if you think about it. Ooooh, even farts. And especially wrestling. Everybody knows that wrestlers wert!!! I mean, seriously. Who wouldn't know??? Everything there is so, 'werty', don't you think???

Oh, and if you're really dim and didn't notice that the last few sentences were dripping with sarcasm, then now is the time to notice.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Another example of my weird interpretations

I had bad hearing again. It's so stupid!!! I either interpret things differently than other people, or I just have bad hearing.

Okay so anyway, I don't remember exactly what we were talking about, but at some point Charlotte said (my interpretation)
"Why would a triangle do something like that??? I mean, REALLY!!!! I wouldn't --"

Then I interrupted, "Triangle?"

She was all like, "Umm... What?" Our friend Maya was there too, and they both just stared at me as if I was stupid.

"But... You asked why a triangle would do that... So..." But then I realized. "OH!!!! CHILD!!!!"

Then we were laughing all over the place and falling on the floor and stuff. Because, if you haven't already realized, she meant "Why would a child do something like that?"

Another example of how I interpret thing differently than other people. If you have just started reading this blog, maybe go here and see the first example of my horrible hearing.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Random stuff like science tests and youth groups

Okay, sorry I didn't post anything yesterday, but I didn't seem to have time and I wasn't exactly sure what to talk about... But yeah. I'm just going to write here and see where it goes.

OMG we had a snow day yesterday!!!! I know that I should have had time to post, but... Yeah. I don't think I was on the computer all day except when I had to do this thing for science where I had to make a poster on a product and say when it was invented, by whom, and draw a poster about it. (Yeah I have no idea what it has to do with science, but, well...) I did my poster on Kleenex!!! It was awesome!!!

Oh, and  I had a science test today. It was on structures. It was pretty simple, partly because we had a practice test first. Also, I had a friend who went to school yesterday and she did the test, and she told the rest of us all about it.
But anyway, you`re probably getting bored with all of this school stuff, so I think I`m going ton try to talk about something else.

So I have to go to my St. John Ambulance thing tonight. It`s a youth group that I go to every Thursday with my older sister. It`s pretty fun, but I`m never enthusiastic about going in the evening before I have to go (like right now) but afterwards I always love it and stuff. I have to write a poem or story or drawing or something to hand in to them to give to the public library, and it`s like a contest. I`m not sure what to write yet.

So yeah.

This is a really random blog post. Maybe I`ll post something more interesting later.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mess-ups in conversation

I hear a lot of things that go wrong when I'm talking to someone or they're talking to me. I hear a lot of non-funny things, but these are some of the best. (or what I remember, at least.) :

"Seriously!!! Some people just shouldn't be allowed to talk, because they raise peoples' blood sugar!!!" (It was supposed to be 'blood pressure'!!! This happened a lot in the past while, although now we just joke about it.)

"If I was bitten by a shark and it bit my arms off, I would go back into the ocean and bite ITS fin off, and then put the fin where MY fin used to go!!!" (It was supposed to be 'where my arm used to go'.)
-This kid on my bus

(Oooh!!! I added more!!!)

(We were working on these Wordly Wise things where we had to correct the sentence so that it worked for the list word. My friends Maya, Charlotte and I were working on it.) "Oh good, I'm FINALLY done!!! Now to-- *turns page* There's more on this side... Moron." (Ha ha, get it? More on, moron??? Yeah I know... Not that funny... I just wanted to put it!!!)

I'll probably add more later, but I have to do this music review on 'Les Miserables: The Dream Cast - for the 10th anniversary.' OMG... It's only 250-500 words, but still. An-NOY-ING!!!!