If you don't know what a 'spelling bee' is, and are currently thinking "Vaht iz zis szing yoo caull a 'zpelling beee'?" (I like funny accents), then the following paragraph is for you:
Spelling bee (by my own definition): A group of people trying to spell words. If you spell a word wrong you're out. When you spell a word right you get on to the next round. When everyone else is out then the last person wins.
That was just a brief thing. If you want more info go somewhere else, or search it.
ANYWAY, I'll get on to what I was trying to talk about. Okay, so there was this kid. He was the last kid to spell a word in his round. He got the word 'ancient'.
Oh, and before I go any further, people are supposed to say the word, then spell it, then say the word again to make sure they got the right word.
This is the conversation that went on between him and the spellmaster (the spellmaster is the guy giving the words, just to let you know.):
Spellmaster: Contestant number 51, your word is 'ancient'. The buildings in Greece are very ancient. Ancient.
Kid: Agent?
Spellmaster: No, ancient.
Kid: Anchit?
Spellmaster: No, your word is 'ancient'. AIN-CHUNT.
Kid: Umm... Agenty?
Spellmaster: No. Would you like a definition?
Kid: Yes please.
Spellmaster: Ancient - Of great age, very old. From a time long past.
Kid: Hmm... Ajuncy?
Spellmaster (looking exasperated) : No, I'm sorry, but your word is 'ancient'. ANCIENT. Make sure you get this right. ANCIENT!!!
NOTE: By this time my older sister and I, who were watching, were just about to burst out laughing and fall all over the floor. The other people (mostly adults) in the crowd were like "Heh, heh..." But we were jumping around snorting, trying not to laugh because then we would ruin the spelling bee. I was thinking that they should just give the poor kid another word, but no. They decided to torture him.
Kid: Ann... Ann shit?
Spellmaster (looking angry and annoyed): No... *sigh* Ancient.
Kid: Ancient?
Then just about everyone in the crowd and people walking by who had no idea what was going on were clapping and cheering for about 30 seconds (which doesn't seem like a lot but it actually is in real time).
But the kid still ended up spelling it like 'agent'.
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